The Eagle
This isĀ
The Eagle
This is taken from Isaiah 40:41 “Those who waite upon The Lord shall renew their Strength” None of us can do anything regarding the things of God unless we wait on Him, not by might or by strength, but by my Spirit says The Lord. We have been waiting for over 20 years and built and walked according to the leading of The Holy Spirit. Now we start our ministry.
The World
This is taken form the Great Commission to go into all the World Matthew 28, the vision to reach as many people as possible to helping them to reach their fullest potential in Christ.
This is a big Vision, but we serve a Big God. I believe if we don’t shoot high we can’t reach the distance in our race.
The Bible
This is the foundation on which we build our lives and help other to build upon, it is the Good News, bringing hope and love to a hurting world. Never before have we lived in a day and age where so many are in so much need, the question is asked why… simply because we don’t live according to what scripture teaches and have removed the presence fo God from our live. We want The Spirit of god to move on our lives again bringing healing and freedom and we have seen this is scripture time and time again, how God moves through His Word.