Welcome to our Sunday Night Bible Study This is a free service
OK you may not want to view the studies every Sunday night, but do make a set time with a drink, note book and pen along with your Bible each week to look at the Bible and what is says about different subjects.We will be basing all our studies on the King James Version, reading from the New King James Version, along with the Modern English Version.
We will be adding to the list on our SNBS Index Page each week and filming every Friday the following Sundays upload. Our prayer is that we receive revelation from the Word of God and we grow in the riches of Truth Father has given to us.
If you haven’t already filled in the registration form we ask you to consider this as it helps us to support you and answer your questions as well as notifying you of up and coming events and our mission trips.
Thank you for joining us as we look deeper into the Word of God together.
We would ask you to subscribe to allow us to contact you with updates and news. However you are able to go to the index page by clicking the link SNBS INDEX PAGE.