Lung Issues

Lung Testimony Video

After a mid week meeting where I was asked to speak on the Gifts of Healings I had a word of knowledge about somone who had issues breathing and their lungs, see the video on gifts of healings and see the reality of the healing power of God.

“I was at mid week service when Darren gave a word of knowledge about someone being healed of lung issues.

I have had breathing problems for as long as I can remember and every lung function test showed a restrictive disorder and the report was ‘Need further  attention”.

I received the word of knowledge in faith and right there decided I was going for a swim the next day. I never had the stamina to complete one length of a 20m long pool. At the end of service, you asked if anyone wanted to share a testimony but I was reluctant at first as I wanted to be sure after swimming.

I stepped out eventually then Darren, Jenny and Pastors Joel and Joseph prayed further for perfection.  The next day I went for a swim and did 7 lengths. Praise God